Cairo City Tours - Cairo Museum

Cairo City Tours - Cairo Museum

Tour Description

We start our day today at the Egyptian Museum, home to one of the most famous Egyptian artefacts of all time, the Golden Mask of King Tutankhamun. This, along with the thousands of priceless pieces of Egyptian antiquities is housed inside the Egyptian Museum. Your guide will highlight the most important pieces then allow you time to wander and explore for yourself. The variety of pieces inside the museum is endless from furniture to granite sarcophagus, ancient papyrus to Royal Mummies, board games used by the Pharaoh’s to weapons and even King Tut’s chariots. Enjoy a light lunch in down town Cairo then visit Coptic Cairo, including the Hanging Church, a Jewish Synagogue and Abu Serga, the oldest church in Egypt dating back to the 5th century A.D. The church owes its fame to having been constructed upon the crypt of the Holy Family where they stayed for three weeks during their time in Egypt.
Finally end your day exploring Old Cairo and the Citadel of Salah el Din, Mohammad Ali Mosque & Khan el Khalili, the medieval bazaar that dates back to the 1300’s with its labyrinth of narrow lanes and cafes that never close, it is a must see on your visit to Cairo. Wind your way through is colorful streets overflowing with souvenirs, clothes, jewellery and fragrances that Egypt is known for including the famous Muizz Street, officially described as the largest Islamic Heritage site in the world, home to local artisans and craftsmen who are still using traditional methods to create timeless masterpieces.

Min 2 person
Single supp applies

Price:U$D 99

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