Spiritual Tour with Jennifer Starlight
Feedback on the spiritual content of our recent In the Love of the Gods Tour with Jennifer Starlight from The Invisible College, www.theinvisiblecollege.com.au
Did you have enough spiritual experiences, please share your experiences if you choose?
Did you have enough spiritual experiences, please share your experiences if you choose?
I especially valued the spiritual focus of the tour which enriched what I was open to receive and experience, it this was certainly a drawcard for my participation in the tour.
I was satisfied with the group spiritual experiences that occurred with Starlight’s channelling sessions which I highly valued. Being immersed in the energies of the consciousness of Min, Hathor and Anubis was deeply moving and I enjoyed the spontaneity of the sessions as they arose. I feel we all benefited from the direct transmissions and opportunities to ask questions and engage with the guiding energies.
Spiritual experiences did occur for me personally as we moved throughout the temple and pyramid grounds. I experienced arising physical symptoms while moving through various sites most notable was Hathor’s Temple. I was drawn to a particular area of the temple that I found to be activating at a cellular level especially on my nervous system. I was tuned into lifeforce, the Divine Mother, in a powerful way and I experienced myself as pure energy immersed in a formless aliveness. I experienced this in small doses at other sites also. Hathor’s Temple was the strongest experience of it within more than one location.
My experience in The Great Pyramid really invigorating. I recall the entry was exhilarating as I first began the walk inside and began the climb into the shaft. Once inside the King’s Chamber I was captivated by the polished red granite colours and quartz flecks. I tuned into sound and discretely played with it within myself, not wanting to attract attention, and what I heard was amplified back to me in a surprisingly, unique way. I wish I could have really immersed myself further in the experience.I also had a sense of profound energies while at Karnak Temple, not sure how to label them in any further detail.
I did have expectations for my spiritual experiences and would also have liked to have recall of initiations/ceremony in temples, or feelings of bleed through of timelines more consciously. Perhaps that will come through at a later stage for me. I did have a profound dream just recently where I awoke and had a strong sense of my bedroom being a portal in an Egyptian temple space where I could feel and see the corridor leading through in my walk in robe and feel a stone column and corridor leading away from my bedroom door. That was exciting, it wasn’t just my dream I awoke and saw it.
Was there enough spiritual information and is there anything else would you like to be added to the Tour eg; more meditation or healing segments?
I felt like there was plenty of spiritual information available, between the historic information, the channellings from Jennifer, her impromptu chats on the bus bringing our attention to particular aspects of the temple and intentions for the trip there was plenty to digest. Not to mention Michelle’s astrology reading to absorb and a session with Peter on the bus there was more than enough going on. I think being in new environments and getting to know new people is a lot to digest.
I enjoyed the books Leisa loaned to the group. I would have like to have found a bookstore to purchase a book as an easy reference of the Gods & Goddesses.