Amun Ra
Egyptian Zodiac: Amon-Ra
Dates: January 8th – January 21st,
February 1st – February 11th
Amun-Ra was the king of the Upper Egyptian gods and one of the most important gods in Egypt, second only to Osiris. Egyptians gave Amun-Ra the role of a creative power responsible for all life on earth, in heaven and in the underworld.
Personality: Generous Successful Helpful
Egyptian Astrology Compatibility: They are compatible with the signs The Nile and Horus.
The second Egyptian zodiac sign is Amon-Ra.
He symbolizes creation that is made from the will of the spirit. He is the god of protection and considered to be the king of the gods. He gave humans the ability to create from nothing more than their desire and urge to be creators.
Positive Traits
Those born under the Amon-Ra Egyptian God sign are talented and optimistic.
They make good leaders and others feel inspired and comforted around them. Others believe in them and their strong intuition to help lead them out of any problems they are facing. They are giving and will always give their best to those in need. In any situation they are always confident and in control.
They have a sense of royalty about them. Their optimism leads them to being very happy most of the time. They are spiritual by nature and are able to go within and trust their inner voice to help guide them through life.
They use this same inner voice to help others.
They are very successful and will find they have no shortage of luck.
They may want to pursue careers as a counsellor, life coach, or motivational leaders. They inspire others to strive for the best in themselves. People naturally come to them for guidance and advice. They are good listeners and suggest a way of fixing things that are in line with the person’s abilities.
People born under this Egyptian zodiac sign will not have an ordinary life.
It is often a difficult sign to be born under. They will always strive to be above average both in the physical world as well as the spiritual world. They are high achievers who strive to be leaders of their community and careers.
They are good decision-makers which is what makes them such good leaders. They are seen as someone who tries to lead by encouraging others. They are intelligent and can often be found as heads of corporations and firms. They have a very optimistic view on life. Their intelligence, optimism, and keen intuition make them wonderful leaders.
The Amon-Ra sun sign people have a bright view on life and use that to their advantage. Their intellect combined with their keen intuition is what makes them the ideal leader. They are full of wisdom and courage. They are admired for their thoughts, actions, and leadership skills. They have strong will power and are hard working.
Negative Traits
The Egyptian astrology sign Amon-Ra may have a hard time in their personal lives. They may shy away from starting a family, but if they do have one, they won’t be very attentive to it. They are too busy being a leader and solving others’ problems to be much of a presence at home.
They may have large egos. When they make decisions there is no room for change. They are firm in whatever decisions they make and are not likely to be very flexible. This can harm them because they aren’t likely to listen to the advice of others.
They can be stubborn, secretive and lack empathy. They can come up with solutions to help others, but may lack true empathy and compassion for their problems.
They can be too far removed emotionally from others to really relate to their situations.
Amon-Ra Symbolism
Lucky Colour: The lucky colour for the Egyptian Amon Ra sign is Yellow & Orange.
Sacred Animal: The animal for the Amon-Ra Egyptian God sign is Ram & Goose.
Appearance: A blue-skinned man with a crown of double feather plumes.
Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: The sun sign associated with Amon Ra is Taurus zodiac sign.